Part 1 of this post gave you some background regarding voice over Mastermind Groups and how they can be helpful for voiceover talent. Now we’ll get down to the nuts and bolts:
Getting Started
How many members will your group have? Four to eight seems to be the most common size. With too many members, meetings take too long. And with too few members, the resources just aren’t there.
When, where, and how often will meetings be held? How long will your group work together?
You might agree to monthly meetings for the next 6-12 months, and then reevaluate.
Set the Stage
It’s a good idea to set some ground rules at the very beginning. For example:
– Personal criticisms are not allowed
– Everyone must be willing to provide positive support, encouragement, accountability, and non-judgmental commitment to each member’s success
– Mutual respect is essential
– All meetings are confidential, and anything said during a meeting will not leave the group.
– Be an active listener
– Always be open for feedback and support, and be accountable to the group’s purpose and ground rules
– Share, suggest and encourage, but do not criticize
Sample Agenda
The meeting’s agenda belongs to the group, and it’s important that everyone participate. Here’s a sample agenda.
– Welcome
– Members Share
– Each member is given, say 10 minutes to share. For example, you can:
– Share a recent success, or breakthrough, and/or report on your progress since the last meeting
– Share an opportunity or problem you have experienced
– Ask for support
– Share issues/problems you are currently grappling with, and ask the group to suggest strategies and resources that might help overcome these obstacles
– Bring a resource to each meeting to share with the others. It can be an article, a tape, a book, a contact, a link, a tip, or any useful information. If – possible, bring enough copies to share with everyone
– State a goal you will have accomplished by the next meeting.
– Tell members what your next milestone is, so that they can nag you to finish your task (again, more important than you might think)
Tonight’s Topic
Possibilities include:
– Problem solving
– Generate marketing ideas/plans
– Explore ideas for generating new business
– Define our individual brands
– Demo / web site critiques
– Demo / web site development
– Sharing technical / studio knowledge
– Taxes / Insurance / Business Resources
Decide on the next meeting’s topic, date, time and place
Mutual Support
Think of your group as an intensive networking and feedback machine.
Your voice-over peers will help you brainstorm new possibilities and then hold you accountable, so you stay focused and on track.
You’ll create a new community of supportive colleagues who will work together to move the group, and its members, to new heights.
Unbreakable Bundle
Considering the economy and the nature of our business, I think it is really important for voice-over folks to get together and help each other. I’ve had to deal with many voice actors who feel threatened or too insecure to help others, since they feel it will hinder their own career.
But I’m convinced that it does exactly the opposite.
I have found that it has done nothing but open more doors. And if nothing else, meetings like this will give each of us the ability to open more doors for ourselves, since that really what it’s all about.
Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. ~ Kenyan Proverb
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